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《元宵节英语作文:The night of the lantern_600字》

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  Today, is the Lantern Festival, we all watch a flower to the moon, but flowers are fireworks.

  The moon is round, like a big rice balls, put in the sky in the big KB. Moonlight hazy, because the moon girl shy to by the veil.

  The air, fireworks bloomed, colorful was so much beauty, some like chrysanthemum blossom a layer of countless petals, some like little snake winding to extend to the middle of sky, and like a fountain and spitting out of countless colorful waves...... , the whole sky is a beautiful big garden, is also a big concert hall pleasant-sounding rolled out a tune, listen to! Popping! Yi yi! Product! ...... Is the silver flowers.what a lantern, thriving ice!

  Finally, we put a kongmin light, it took us ?

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