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《六一儿童节英语作文:Stress on Campus_1200字》

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  Before I came to PKU, I thought it was paradise there, because I felt so much stress when NCEE was turning the corner that I must cheat myself by something. But now I know that I actually cheated myself.

  In campus, we all feel three main sorts of stress. They are study, love and life. For I have not a GF, and I consider it’s too early to think about life problems such as employment (I am only Grade One), feeling annoyed by study takes most of my time.

  There is too little time for me to complete the work we need to do. And what is my fault that I have chosen too many courses to study. I miscalculated my ability. However, if I take less like what I did last term, I would waste my spare time playing computer games, sleeping, talking and fooling around.

  I am still puzzled about that. But recently I even have no time to feel puzzled. There are eleven papers and two big tasks in all this term. Maybe it’s good for us to have something to do instead of giving ourselves up to daydreams. It is said that a certain amount of stress can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness.

  So, don’t be worried about it. Just do it! Nike tells the answer. We should believe that our latent capacity is unlimited. It is what I want to say to some students oppressed by papers and myself. It is better to develop our abilities to deal with stress rather than to escape from it, right?

  Come on!

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